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Maasai Ministry

Mission: To share the love of Jesus Christ with the people in the Maasai village in Kenya, and to provide the young ladies with options so that they can reach their full educational potential.

What's this ministry all about?
Watch this short 5 minute video to find out.

face of young kenyan girl
Picture of four maasai women dressed in tradional clothing with bright colors
Foot Tracks on Sand

Meet the Girls and Commit to Pray

Choose one or all, and commit to praying for them daily.

How should I pray? Prayer requests: 1. A burning desire to learn more about Christ; 2. The ability to learn everything they can in school so they can have a successful career; 3. Good health for them and their families; 4. Protection from accident and disease; 5. Strength to be an encouragement to others.

Want to Sponsor a Girl's Education?

These girls are available for sponsorship. Sponsorship costs vary depending upon the program, but average around $350 a year to send a girl to school so she can have options. This fee covers a residential program, books, room, and board.

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